Friday, 31 October 2014

Blaming God leads to SIN

Sarai of old blamed God for not fulfilling His promise in time according to her, yet God's timing is not according to human standards. Genesis 6:2 gives the lamentation of the woman who is doubting God and the solution she gave but only to regret it later.
The temptation to reason on your own and judge that God is either slow to action, He does not care enough to action accordingly or He is contradicting himself is not unique to atheists and non Christians, neither is it new. Many people blame God for their situations and many are lamenting why they did because they are in hell fire for judging God.
God is not answerable to anyone, meaning anyone, even the devil. He is God and He does what He wants at any time. He never consults with anyone whenever He wants to do something. He is not a respecter of man. Why should God get permission from a mortal man (Genesis 6:3).

Share with everyone that asks so that to you it is not SIN

Giving or borrowing someone? Read the Bible and consider my comments then do the will of the Father. Matthew 5: 42 says, 'Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away'. Giving is a sacrifice because you expect nothing in return at all. When it comes to borrowing, the Bible forbids charging interest, just be willing to borrow the person that request from you interest free.
Sometimes you become reluctant to give for many humanly justifiable reasons yet the instruction Jesus Christ gave was none negotiable. Sometimes you don't want to give because you assume that the person will use the money to serve the devil, yet each time you give, God is at work. You therefore don't want to disturb God at work because you shall be accountable to God one day.
Someone may argue that what s/he has is just enough for himself and his household, yet its not even a matter of having or not having but to do what Jesus has instructed. This means that even the poor can give because the rich may approach them for assistance in one way or the other.  When you give with a pure heart the volume or value of the items don't matter at all. God delights in a cheerful giver.
Thanks be to God for America, Asia and some countries that are willing to give to Africa and other poor countries. I want to believe that that gesture makes God move and bless the giving countries. God has blessed America and we believe it will be so in many years to come.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

If you swear you SIN!

Swearing is making a promise or an oath on something not yet manifested. Swearing is common and there are people that promote it such as the website It does not matter whether your swearing is intentionally false or not, but the expression itself is an abomination to God. Remember that God is a judge even for your thoughts. Even if you stop at swearing in your heart, you have committed the sin of swearing and you have to repent for doing that.
The Bible is clear on the act of swearing, ‘don’t do it!’ In the Gospel of Matthew 5:33 – 37, Jesus Christ addresses the issue of swearing. All you have to say is a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. If you are called to swear, don’t because you will be going against the will of God.
What more can I say, 'Jesus Christ has said it!'

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Promising God but failing to fulfill is SIN!

The Bible is amazing when it relates how some people feared God such that they would never default on promises made to Him. Abraham is one person that had taken an oath not to take anything from the king of Sodom, not even a thread or the thong of a sandal (Genesis 14: 22).

This Abraham did to strengthen his own faith and know that whatever he has comes from God and nowhere else. The same verse reveals that Abraham did not want to rob God off of His glory or even open chances for people to steal the glory they don’t deserve. The glory of provision to Abraham belonged to God and Abraham himself liked it like that.

This verse actually unveil two sins; taking an oath and failing to keep it, and letting people contribute to your wealth or riches. People may then take the glory when you flourish in the future with the blessings from God.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

The Smallest of fear is Sin!

Many types of fear but whatever the form, it is sin. Fear does not come from the Lord but from the devil. Fear will cause you to do things that you are an abomination to God. There are a number of examples in the Bible where people of God found themselves committing sin because of fear.

I will take the case of Abram when he gave up his wife to Pharaoh because he feared for his life (Genesis 12: 12 to 13). He didn’t know what would happen to him if he was found to have a beautiful life like Sarai, but he feared death. Instead of telling the truth, he told a lie. An obvious sin got him ‘telling a lie’.

I remember myself bribing a traffic police in South Africa because I feared the legal charge would be even higher than the R 200.00 note I offered. Immediately I saw the road block ahead of me, fear abounded. Fear made me fail to think right and think about my righteousness position.

Fear is also an indication of little faith. When Jesus was got into the boat with His disciples and a great tempest arose in the sea, His disciples feared for their lives. They woke Him up in fear and He said, ‘why are you fearful, Oh you of little faith’ (Matthew 8:26).
God has the power to help us overcome fear of any kind. It is my prayer that I overcome fear at all time to avoid getting into sin because of it.

Marry a divorcee and you commit adultery - SIN!

Condition for marriage vary and one has been discussed in an earlier page where the Bible talks of being unequally yoked with unbelievers. In this article I want to address the issue of marrying someone who has been in a wedlock before.

I have heard pastors say its okay to remarry when you have divorced someone. The condition of the previous partner having passed on is now ignored. However, The Bible has not changes and it says, ‘ ... anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery’ Matthew 5:32. General and obvious knowledge is that no one commits adultery individually, its takes two to commit this sin. If one is committing adultery, then the other should be doing the same. For any sin that is committed collectively, all the involved are in sin. Consider corruption for example, both the giver and the recipient are corrupt.

Note that anyone whose partner has passed on is free to marry anyone who is in the same situation or anyone who is not a divorce whose partner is still alive. Not until the partner is late that the living can start looking around.

It therefore is a must that you study the life of the person you want to marry before you commit. The sin applies whether you did it knowingly or unknowingly but at any time you come to know about the condition of your partner, you must make the right move. If it calls for nullifying your marriage, do so for the sake of saving your life from hell. I know this might come to you as a shock if you are in a marriage like this one.

Note that nothing of my own have I said but the Bible does.


How then do you pull out?

First and foremost, pray to God for direction. If you are true to yourself and to God, He will not allow you to stay in such a relationship, no matter the number of years you have been together. You can repent but once you do, you must not stay in sin. Whenever you repent, you mean that you will make every effort not to commit that particular sin again.

God will never compromise His standard for anyone. Don’t you therefore deceive yourself and think that God understands your situation and therefore you have to do nothing about your situation.

I recommend that you hear from God and not the your pastor because He might wrongly advise you, making you comfortable in sin. That pastor of yours does not love you when he fails to refer you to the unchanging word of God.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Think of a woman in a bad way, you have Sinned!

You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery'. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery in his heart' Matthew 5: 27 and 28. This verse is not only applicable to males but to woman as well. Woman also fall for the sin of looking at man lustfully and by so doing they also have fallen for the sin of adultery in their hearts.

How terrible it is that woman now dress immodestly, they wear revealing clothes and claim it is their right to dress likewise. Too bad this happens even in church. Apparently the world protects the woman that goes to town on a mini skirt, skin top, cleavage revealing tops, see through tops, and allow them to stroll in town on a bikini. So many man have adultery written under their name because of woman that dress anyhow. Television, print media and shows make adverts with woman that are immodestly dressed. This makes it very tough for man to avoid the sin of adultery in the standard Jesus puts in the new testament.
The message of Christ today goes to man not to look at a woman to lust after her. The same message goes to woman not to lure man to last after them. Watch therefore that you don't cause your brother to sin.

Evil thoughts causes God to action and therefore it is SIN!

Evil thoughts are noticed by God. Don't you ever think it all stops with you and those filthy thoughts. Mans thoughts were evil and God decided to destroy the world in the time of Noah. The same God is He even today, He never changes. What used to make Him take action still does even today.
The book of Genesis 6 records very strong sentiments about God's feeling about people of that time. In verse 6 God declares that He was sorry why He made man. Each of those thoughts that you nurture in your mind makes Him regret why He made you.
Thoughts therefore will be judged. Both believers and unbelievers will give an account, and the Lord will judge the decisions he made—including those concerning issues of conscience. The Judgment Seat of Christ will reveal hidden things that were in the mind of everyone while they were in flesh. It is true that you can be condemned by God to hell just by your thoughts but not having practically committed the sin.
Your thought determine the decision God will take about you. Do you want Him to take your most desired decisions for you? Make Him part of your thoughts so that you think like He thinks, do what He wants for you to do and He will give you the desires of your heart.


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Murder is Sin - including euthanasia 'Mercy death'

This could the be second sin recorded in the Bible after the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Cain murdered his younger brother Abel (Genesis 4). Out of jealousy, which is another sin, Cain found murder to be the best answer to his problem of jealousy. This is a clear indication that the devil gives alternative solutions to problems and if you are not stable in your mind, you may go for such ungodly solutions.

I know that murder is widely accepted as sin but there is a debate on euthanasia 'Mercy death'. It is sin because it is killing people and not letting them die naturally. I understand that this is not normally an easy situation but we should know this one thing that when God speaks, we should obey. The Bible has many verses that emphasizes on murder as an abominable deed. The 10 Commandments written for the children of Israel records murder as well.

New Testament Perspective

Murder is not only literal but Jesus equals it to anger against a brother without a cause. Watch therefore that you do not murder a brother through anger.


Ommiting the instruction to Repent is Sin!

One sin of omission that the world will have to give an account for if they miss heaven (Matthew 4:17). For those that yielded to the call will find this time as time of victory. Jesus gave his reasons why people should repent, even though that reason has not manifested even today but it is still valid, 'the kingdom of God is at hand'. God has really given the world enough time to respond to this call. This in itself confirms the importance of responding to this call.
Everybody is implicated about the kingdom of God being at hand. Nobody will escape when the time comes. The dead and the living will have to account on what they did about the call to repentance. It will be sad because at this time there will be no mercy, non compliant people will be rejected. Such rejection will be eternal. People will be separated from God eternally in hell.

I implore you to do something about this call.

Marrying a lovely but non-Christian person is sin!

Whenever God instructs, everybody must listen. Before I get to the obvious Bible verse on being equally yoked with none believers, I want to reference the book of Judges 16, where Solomon fell for a foreign national, a Philistine. This story is common and well known yet it details consequences of being yokes with none believers. Similarly, the none believer might have greater influence on you and you might loose your faith in Christ.
Coming back to 2 Corinthians 6:14 , 'Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?' Verse 15 says, 'And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?'
This is a commandment that comes straight from the Word of God. No part of the Bible is not from His mouth, therefore, all that the Bible is, is the word of God. The Bible does not contain the Word of God but it is the Word of God.
Now the tendency is for people to think of the relationship of marriage when referencing this verse yet being yoked goes beyond that. Did you know that you can be equally yoked in business, professional partnerships, projects and many more. Everything that you do that ties you to an unbeliever that will affect your walk with Christ is forbidden. God has said that He will dwell in believers and walk among them. He shall be our God and we should be His people (verse 16).

Friday, 24 October 2014

Worshiping man made goddesses is SIN!

I have to remain relevant and state goddesses and non-Christian gods to be idols. As long as it is visible to the natural eye, it is an idol, even if its marry. Idols are not to be worship, praised or honoured for they are not equal to God in any way. God is jealous when people worship idols. Jesus expresses this to the devil himself. Matthew 4: 10 says, ' shall worship the Lord your God, and only Him shall you serve'. Deuteronomy 6:13 says, 'you shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him, ...'.

If we comprehended how God feels when we worship that man made idol, the unknown imaginary idol and convince ourselves that it is a godly worship, we wouldn't even think about it. God gets deeply hurt when you kneel down in front of that goddess. God in His mighty love is calling people from all walks of life to stop worshiping idols and get through to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer.
If you have no idea how you can connect with God the right way, the starting point is saying the repentance prayer. You may say the following:
God I acknowledge that I have not been aware that I hurt you by worshiping this idol that I thought is you. Please forgive me of my sins and give me a new beginning of righteousness, holiness and truth. I don't have the power to do right on my own but I rely on your son Jesus Christ to help me. I request your trinity to dwell in me and guide me along the way that I want to start on today. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die for my sins so that I can be saved and qualify to enter heaven through Him. Amen!

Image taken from:
To maintain a good standing with God, please familiarise yourself with contents of the website .

Tempting God to prove Him in your situation is Sin!

God is not answerable to any person, neither a king, a pastor or whoever. As a church leader or pastor, you watch yourself not to encourage people to proof the existence of God by tempting Him. It is not strange today to hear a national sermon encouraging citizens to tempt God or rather challenging God as if He were not real nor the creator.
Jesus warns, ' shall not tempt the LORD your God' Matthew 4:7. Don't therefore put yourself in risk for any reason and brag that God is your protector. You might not get the protection you claim because you are putting God at a test. Shun from doing this because its not biblical.

Pay tax and be approved free from this sin

Tax to all must be paid by all. If you are not legally exempted, make it your favourable point to pay tax. Many governments do their part trying to collect yet some work at cheating the system and end up not paying, and they go away with it. The government may put up severe penalties but many still want to take the risk.

In my country, any person that is involved in any form of economic activity must pay tax. From the street vendor to the multi million player, get down to your accounts and pay the government portion.

These are rules of the land and a Christian should know that it pleases God to follow and obey the rules of the land. If you work from home, from the back yard, online, and everywhere in someone's land, comply. What would make you fail to pay because you are only taxed on your profits? Just have the courage and take time to do things right - and it will amount to peace.

Jesus Himself encouraged people to pay tax (Mark 12:17). Hallo, did you get that? If you do not pay tax you are actually violating a commandment from Jesus Christ. If you don't do as required, you will not only be punished by the law enforcers but God Himself will put you hell fire if you die while you do not comply.

picture taken from:

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Hate in your heart for a brother is sin

I cannot overemphasise the truth that God judges the heart and thought, even without having manifested the sin in practice. You may hate someone for any reason. I will quote a populous case globally today, the Oscar Postorious South African case. Many people hate him in their hearts and in human terms this is justified but with God its a different story.

When people are called to holiness in the book of Leviticus 19:17, a number of things are mentioned, including the hate that is covered in the heart for a brother. In fact, the book of Leviticus is a good mirror for those that want to pursue holiness. Simply go through this video for a glimpse of the book of Leviticus.

You are welcome to follow our 'Sin Update!' community at Google+ for discussions.

Obvious sin of fornication - Sex before marriage!

Sexual intercourse between people not married to each other is called fornication. Some say its primitive not to go to bed with the person you believe you love, whether you intend to marry them or not. Sad but true, God hates such practice and finds it an abomination to Him. It is sin and one that will lead those that commit to hell should they die in such practice.

God loves the person but not the sin they do (Love the rapist but hate rape). Many will disagree with me, giving all sorts of reasons for their disagreement. Some say its natural to desire some sexual intimacy soon as someone has passed puberty, and they feel such desire should be fulfilled. God guides us in His word, the Bible, that such is not acceptable until marriage.”Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” Hebrews 13:4. Paul writes in I Corinthians 6:9-11, “Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God”.

Nollywood's Yoruba actress Ronke Oshodi has got it all wrong when she said premarital sex is okay - reports the website: kaynaija in this link

What's your view on Premarital sex?Ronke Oshodi
"Sex is a normal part of life just like money. I know I am a Yoruba ambassador but personally I believe any body above 18 and has a serious relationship can have sex even outside marriage. The couple should know what they have underneath their clothes
before they get committed to each other for life. What if I do not like the size as a lady? Frankly, it is one of the reasons why many go into extra marital affairs. Even when a man has everything in the world and does not satisfy me sexually, there is serious trouble. I cannot go into a marriage and start regretting, besides, you won’t be able to tell your family members what you are going through in the name of marriage. I can not manage sex, it is either I enjoy it or disapprove it." 

False prophets are sinners

Who am I to judge and separate true prophets from the wrong? What guards would someone like me have to say so and so is false but so and so is true. Yet it still is a warning to believers that false prophets are on the loose (Matthew 7:15).  

I have however, in my own willing heart, followed many of the prophecies that have flooded the internet and bookshops in our time today. I know many are genuine while some are false. The devil himself is at work to confuse even the elect.

What then do you do when you meet someone, are handed a testimony that looks genuine, when you browse online and land on a website that tell stories of the after life? How do you respond. I have done so much of belief on many that I think are genuine yet sometimes I feel I was quick to believe, especially when a contradictory testimony comes up. I have taken time to listen, read and rewrite some of the testimonies I felt were genuine and come from God. I detailed these at

What can I say, 'if you are a false prophet, thinking you get information from God yet you get it from the devil who disguise himself as an angel of light sometimes, you are doing yourself great harm than good. Repent and turn to God'. You will know its not true if those spirits that give you the message fail to call upon the name of Jesus and declare love for Him. Ask each spirit that visits you to confess Jesus Christ. I agree that sometimes you may not even be aware that you are being used by the devil. Be careful what you take from the spiritual world and others to spread to people around you because by so doing, you own these messages. If they are false, you remain the owner and may later be labeled a false prophet. 

Just today I came across one website that confused me to the core, Very specific prophesies are shared in this blog and I need to confirm with my God if these are indeed from Him.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Being a Medium for the Dead is SIN

Being a medium is SIN. The messages from the dead comes from the devil, spirits provide accurate information to keep many deceived. Run for your life whenever one of them approaches you....pray for them to be freed from these spirits. This woman running the show 'Long lsland Medium' is powered by the devil.
if you know here,

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Sin is not Relative - its the same in Europe, America, Africa, etc

How devastating to know this one thing that sin is measure in one standard globally. Whether its done behind closed doors or in public, it still is sin. Done by a poor person, a rich one, it still is sin. Shun sin - for your own benefit.