I have to remain relevant and state goddesses and non-Christian gods to be idols. As long as it is visible to the natural eye, it is an idol, even if its marry. Idols are not to be worship, praised or honoured for they are not equal to God in any way. God is jealous when people worship idols. Jesus expresses this to the devil himself. Matthew 4: 10 says, '...you shall worship the Lord your God, and only Him shall you serve'. Deuteronomy 6:13 says, 'you shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him, ...'.
If we comprehended how God feels when we worship that man made idol, the unknown imaginary idol and convince ourselves that it is a godly worship, we wouldn't even think about it. God gets deeply hurt when you kneel down in front of that goddess. God in His mighty love is calling people from all walks of life to stop worshiping idols and get through to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer.
If you have no idea how you can connect with God the right way, the starting point is saying the repentance prayer. You may say the following:
God I acknowledge that I have not been aware that I hurt you by worshiping this idol that I thought is you. Please forgive me of my sins and give me a new beginning of righteousness, holiness and truth. I don't have the power to do right on my own but I rely on your son Jesus Christ to help me. I request your trinity to dwell in me and guide me along the way that I want to start on today. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die for my sins so that I can be saved and qualify to enter heaven through Him. Amen!
Image taken from: http://vovatia.wordpress.com/2011/10/16/idol-wild/

Image taken from: http://vovatia.wordpress.com/2011/10/16/idol-wild/
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