Sunday 9 November 2014

Withholding good from those it is due is SIN!

The Bible acknowledged that some people will have authority to issue out good things to people that deserve it. I interpret that such people are put by God in those authority positions and theirs is to do the right thing, ‘give the good the those it is due’. The reference scripture for this sin is Psalms 3: 27 - 28.

'Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due. When it is in your hand to do so'. NJKV

A number of examples come to mind. A simple one is an employer that withholds a salary someone. It does not matter how much time the pay day passes but the period when the salary is withheld, the employer is in sin.

Companies that issue jobs to employees in forms of tenders and other forms of assignments, may find themselves falling into the sin of withholding payment to vendors that have delivered the jobs. Politicians are another group that would time and again find themselves in danger of the sin of withholding good from people to who it is due.


Woe unto you if you die in that conditions because you have this sin against your name.

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