Tuesday 25 November 2014

Selling God’s miracles is SIN

Jesus sent out His disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. This is in Matthew 10: 7 and then the last phrase of the same verse says, ‘freely you have received, freely give’. Further verses, verse 10, gives insight on the fact that the Christian messenger should not be focused on collecting cash on the preach journey but know that a worker is worthy of his food.

It is now common and sort of acceptable not to accept offerings only but to charge for doing works of service in the church. Unfortunately, Church is big business these days and a pastor who does not sell the gospel seems a lot stupid than following the instructions from God.

Christians should shun doing this for to them it is counted as sin.


Saturday 15 November 2014

Do not judge for if you do to you it is counted as SIN

The very first verse of Matthew chapter seven goes directly to this instruction from the Lord Jesus Christ. How then do you condemn sin committed by others without judging them?
It is safe to mention sin or even point at it, but don’t attach a face into it. Even when you do point at it, try by all means to be general and not be suggestive to avoid your name listed under the sin of judging others. Jesus says judging others puts you on the line for being judged yourself. The same measure you judge others, you also will be judged the same way (Matthew 7:2).
I like the attitude of loving the sinner but hating the sin. Similarly, mention the sin but not the sinner and you will have not judged anyone.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Demonstrated and Publicized payer is SIN!

Nobody should know your prayer agenda. If you are on a fast, never you publicize, have a sad continence, disfigure your face so that man can see that you are in a fast (Matthew 6:16-18). Jesus forbids such practice.

Note this is applicable to both individuals and groups. Jesus in this portion is talking to individuals but groups have even a greater temptation to publicize their prayer cessions.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Withholding good from those it is due is SIN!

The Bible acknowledged that some people will have authority to issue out good things to people that deserve it. I interpret that such people are put by God in those authority positions and theirs is to do the right thing, ‘give the good the those it is due’. The reference scripture for this sin is Psalms 3: 27 - 28.

'Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due. When it is in your hand to do so'. NJKV

A number of examples come to mind. A simple one is an employer that withholds a salary someone. It does not matter how much time the pay day passes but the period when the salary is withheld, the employer is in sin.

Companies that issue jobs to employees in forms of tenders and other forms of assignments, may find themselves falling into the sin of withholding payment to vendors that have delivered the jobs. Politicians are another group that would time and again find themselves in danger of the sin of withholding good from people to who it is due.


Woe unto you if you die in that conditions because you have this sin against your name.

Allow them to injure you to avoid SIN!

It is unbelievable what Jesus says about people that want to harm us Christians. He instructs that we let them or else we are sinning. Matthew 5: 39, ‘But I say to you, Do not resist the evil man [who injures you]; but if anyone strikes you on the right jaw or cheek, turn to him the other one too. Verses 40 and 41 continues to promote the spirit of offering more the harm to yourself than the evil person want from you. Truly speaking, this defy logic but it is a commandment.

I know that many people dismiss Christianity on basis of similar verses. That is why many would think Christians are fools because they do not behave or react as the world or a normal person would in given circumstances.

The life of a Christian should therefore be a prayerful one because keeping the Word and doing the will of God is not easy. If you fail to do the will of God, you no longer fall under the list of Jesus’ friends (John 14:15 or 15:14).

Talking to a theologian

Just so I'm justify my position, I engaged a theologian. His comment was that Jesus was not talking in literal terms, yet when He said, 'If one take your tunic, give him your coat' the theologian acknowledged that Jesus was literal.

Concluding on the matter, we agreed that Jesus was instructing that His disciples, us Christians, not be tough as the world would. Lets trust Jesus that whatever He instructs and we do, He will step in and mediate.

Monday 3 November 2014

Impress men with your charity works and rewarded on Earth!

It may be known to man what you do for God but your motive will count to God. The words of Jesus in Matthew 6 from verse 1, ‘take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them’. You will know that if you do what God does not want you commit sin. Some people may argue that Jesus did not say it is sin but only that the reward for such practice in on earth. That is true but our focus should be to please God.

If you do charitable deeds in secrete, not letting the world know about it, you will be rewarded openly. Churches need to do some introspection in this area.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Failing to Love is SIN!

God has chosen to be an example of love in many ways. In Matthew 5:45 He says that He makes the sun rise on the evil and the good; and sends rain to the just and on the unjust. Earlier in verse 44, Jesus instructs that every believer should love their enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Jesus acknowledges that people will hate you but you should simply love them.
So many people that you have reasons not to love them, but you are directed by Jesus to love everyone if you want to be sons of God (V 45). It may not be easy to love someone that have expressed his or her dislike for you but simply love them. Jesus knows that our human nature wont manage to do what is least expected and thus invites everyone that needs assistance to call on Him in prayer.
The ultimate is to be like God the Father who is perfect (v 48). Perfection can only be justified before God through Christ's relationship.